Wednesday, July 23, 2008

#6 - Proving how much fun I am by staging pictures for Facebook

When a young person reaches the age of about 23 or 24, they realize that the care-free world they grew up in really isn't suitable for young adults such as themselves anymore. They have to get this terribly time-consuming thing called a 'job', starting dressing semi-professionally, or even worse, start to feel the effects of what is collectively known as 'old age'. 'Old age' is primarily exhibited by working more than 40 hours a week, refusing to hang out on weekdays later than 10pm, making car payments, or spending more than two consecutive weekends 'resting'.

The best way to prove to all your hip, youthful friends that you are in fact getting more awesome with age is to take spectacular pictures of your exploits and post them all over Facebook, traditionally with as many people tagged in them as possible. Not only will this garner the most exposure for your photographic evidence, but people might starting talking about their horrible facial expressions or how huge your beard is getting. It's a win-win, because all the while they are drawing more attention to pictures where you are either doing something incredibly heroic, looking incredibly baddass, or are surrounded by throngs of good-looking people. If none of these situations are feasible, do not despair: just photoshop it.


Matt said...

#7: Not Editing Things Before Posting Them on the Internet

Just kidding. This post was actually funny. I laughed once or twice.

Seth said...

yes, photoshop is the answer to many situations. Stuff Richard likes: (Add Word) Reloaded. Just a thought. Still growing the beard?