I think my favorite thing about watching Lost is how, despite all the terrible thing they have to go through on the island (surviving a plane crash, getting shot at by crazies, fighting polar bears, etc), I really wish I could be there. I'm mostly speaking about the first season or two, because things got gradually sillier the further along they got into the mythology. I really just want to be on the island right up to about the point where the freighter showed up and ruined everything. Yeah, it's a TV show, but how awesome would it be to actually be stranded on a 'deserted' island and have to fend for yourself? We are so far removed from the actual day-to-day survival needs of the human body that most of us have no idea what it is like to actually have to search for food, water, shelter. Going backpacking for a weekend is one thing, but when you actually have to make decisions that decide whether you live or die on a daily basis, you appreciate life in a way you never could in today's modern technology-driven society. But I would totally be okay with it if I was on a beautiful island surrounded by a cast of beautiful people, and guns. Actually I'd probably be okay with it if there was only the island. And John Locke, so we could hunt boars and excavate hatches, and at some point a drug-smuggler's plane will fall on me and he'll have an emotional breakdown and star yelling at The Island like some sort of deist manifestation of Fate.
I guess all I really want to do is just go backpacking in Hawaii. With John Locke. Kate would be alright too.
I guess all I really want to do is just go backpacking in Hawaii. With John Locke. Kate would be alright too.